"Défénestré", Short film directed by Yassin Bouhaik, Production Contre-courant
"Ma fille", Short film directed by Laetitia Hyom, Production Génération court
"Rouhya", Short film directed by Sarah Arsane, Production Génération court
"Rixe et Péril", Short film directed by Jeff Taver, Production Papa films
"Chambre 13", Short film directed by Léa Damian, Production
"Faire Avec", Short film directed by Joséphine Maaci, Production JOM Productions
"Jamais sans mon tel", Short film directed by Tony Chaslas, Production Normal Productions
"J'aurais du l'écouter", Short film directed by Eve Laudenback
“J’attends l’heure”, Short film directed by par Théo Blossier
“Max: Shadow of Apocalypse” , Feature film directed by Bouhaik Yassin, Production Mr Bouhaik
“Maquisard”, Short film directed by Victorine Nlomngan
“Une journée au café” Pilot Web- Serie directed by ADM
“It could be anyone”, Short film directed by Aicha Cecaldi
“Saint Georges", Webserie directed by Benjamin Nlomngan “High Stake” Short film directed by Michael Scordakis, Scene PlusProduction
“House of series”, Documentary directed by Anne-Solen Douguet, Beall Productions
“Talk to the gun”, Feature film directed by Craig DeLuz, Justin W. Smith, Scene Plus Production
“2037: Sous justice artificielle”, Short film directed by Benja min Nlomngan , Production Mr Bouhaik
“What did you expect”, Short film directed by Melissa Danieri “Monster box”, Cine-Concert, orginal score for the “String Quartet of Fourvière”.
“Kinderspiel”, Short film directed by Sandy Widyanata “What where Why”, Short film directed by Warren Sheets
“Female friendly”, Webserie directed by Taylor C. Baker, Chelsea Alana Rivera
“Poompei”, Short animated film directed by Gaelle Gaudin, Nolwenn Magne, Ecole ECV
“Rottencakes”, Short animated film directed by Léa Martin, Valentin Bescos, Ecole ECV
“Tea time” Court-métrage d’animation réalisé par Inès Poizat,
“Lucha Grampa” Short animated film directed by ARIES school
“Le bouquet”, Cine Concert, original music for re percussions Orchestra of CNR of Lyon
“My mother eyes” Short film directed by Denise Bradley, Looknow Productions